About Janita Poe


I am Janita Poe, a Ph.D. student and journalism instructor at Georgia State University in Atlanta. I am also an award-winning journalist and former Chicago Tribune, Atlanta Journal-Constitution and St. Petersburg Times staff writer.

Over the years, I've written several thousand newspaper articles and columns. In addition, I have posted commentary on Facebook and several blogs, including this one.

My busy research and class schedule -- and my triathlon training -- leave little time for news and opinion writing these days.

But, when I have time to squeeze something in, I usually post on my personal page and Janita Poe:Journalist fan page on Facebook.

Here are a few highlights. Thanks for stopping by!


Sunday, November 6, 2016

You Don't "Like" Hillary?!

I really have minus zero time for FB but I have got to say this: I am sooooooo sick and tired of Hillary Haters -- not just in the Republican Party but the DNC. This woman has everything we need right now. As Prez O said last night, "Not me, not Bill, nobody" has been more prepared to lead this country than Hillary Rodham Clinton ---> Yale Law, former First Lady, former Secretary of State, recent New York State Senator. But, my frustration with these haters goes beyond that. It's the fact that so many turn into vile flaw hunters when certain trailblazing candidates (can you say Barack Obama?) seek to shatter a ceiling. So she messed up with Benghazi. You think she wanted that outcome? No. It was terrible. It happened. Just like the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Iran-Contra Affair happened. So you say she's not the most charming woman in the world, by your standards (I think she's fab, personally; was in her Chicago 1996 press corps and I found her magnetic but do you). Look, fam. If you spend 40 years on the public stage, you will fail at times. Humans fail. But, all things considered, Hillary Clinton has been amazing. Her husband eloquently shared her life story. She's been a dynamic legal advocate for children and poor blacks, whites and Mexicans since the 1960s. She has been a player in global negotiations for years. And she has outlined a stellar platform for the presidency on her webpage. Then there is her gender and what that could mean for this country -- and world -- if elected. Just as with Obama as a "first black," I have no shame in saying I want to see a smart, talented person as a "first woman" president, and Clinton is ready. What woman is going to come along any time soon with her background? Heck, she spent years in the White House, talking about domestic and world affairs before falling asleep with her husband, folks. You don't get any better experience than that! And let's not forget how she has paid her DUES for this position. She fought hard to become president eight years ago. She wanted it. But when she lost, she did what most humans don't begin to know how to do: She sucked it up. She even went and worked under her former opponent, because, as First Lady Michelle said, Hillary knew it was about more than her. Hillary Clinton has earned the right to be our next president. On so many levels. I'm not just casting a vote for her. I'm going to have Hillary Clinton's back over the next few months. She deserves it. [From Janita Poe's personal Facebook page, July 28, 2016].

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